本科学费 & 费用

国外博彩app tuition, 食物, housing and fees as an undergraduate—see the estimated costs to attend.

Two students walk across campus


A college education is an investment in your future. 我们的团队在这里了解您的个人财务状况,并找到满足您需求的方法. 在国外博彩app, we will work with you to provide guidance, 回答问题, 并确保你和你的家人在每一步都做出明智的决定.

Unpacking Our 学费 and 费用

国外博彩app, we don’t want the cost of our education to limit your access to a hands-on, 世界一流的教育. 我们将与您合作,确保您能够以最负责任的方式管理成本.

First-Year Confirmation Deadline Extended to June 17, 2024

In light of delays in the FAFSA rollout, 入学一年级申请者的入学保证金截止日期已延长至6月17日, 2024. 通过在你的红鹰招生门户网站上填写招生回应表来申请你的名额.



Discover 国外博彩app’s undergraduate cost of attendance. 了解本科学费,住房,膳食计划和本科费用.

See the cost of attendance per course credit, quarter and academic year.

For Summer 2024, Fall 2024, Winter 2025 and Spring 2025

学费 每一个信用 每季度 学年
Full-Time (12 to 18 credits)   $18,540 $55,620
Part-time (1 to 11 credits) $1,236    
2024年夏* * $742    
English Language and Culture Bridge (ELCB) Under 1000 Level $397    
审计人员 $260    

国外博彩app的费用是每年设定的,并可能在来年的每个夏季季度发生变化. 国外博彩app保留随时修改收费的权利,恕不另行通知.

**Summer 2024 tuition rate is a 40% discount from the standard rate.

Explore the diverse resident hall and apartment options at 国外博彩app, 有多种房间类型和价格,以满足您在学年期间的需求.

Bellarmine, Campion, and Xavier 2024–2025 季度 Rates 2024-2025 *学年
$4,218 $12,654
$3,118 $9,354
双+ $3,218 $9,654
三倍 N/A N/A
三+ $2,567 $7,701
夏丹 季度 *学年
$4,490 $13,470
$3,357 $10,071
套件 $3,270 $9,810
Kolvenbach 季度 *学年
双人房 $3,184 $9,552
墨菲的公寓 季度 *学年
Prices depend on # of roommates and size of room $3,136–$5,916 $9,408–$17,748
道格拉斯的公寓 每月 *学年
1 - 5间卧室 联系租赁办事处  
Yobi 季度 *学年
Price depends on apartment style $4,163–$5,413 $12,489–$16,239
六、希尔伯特大厅 每月


工作室- 4间卧室 联系租赁办事处  

*学年: Fall, Winter and Spring

Plan your dining options for the upcoming academic year. Explore meal plan options and find cost breakdowns for different plan types, including options for students with specific circumstances.

计划类型 计划描述 季度 学年
最大 对于特别丰盛的食客 $2,974 $8,922
扩大 For hearty eaters eating mostly on campus $2,478 $7,434
住宅 Required minimum for all 1st and 2nd year students living on campus $1,982 $5,946
限制一个 对于有特殊医疗或经济情况的住宿学生,可根据要求提供减少的膳食计划 $1,487 $4,461
限制B 限制膳食计划只适用于那些不需要购买膳食计划的人. $992 $2,976
方便 A minimal plan for those who are not required to purchase a meal plan. $495 $1,485
研究生/通勤 For students who occasionally need to purchase meals on campus. $213 $639


为已经有膳食计划的学生提供补充膳食计划,并希望在其膳食计划余额中增加资金. 联系住房部了解更多国外博彩app在你的膳食计划中添加补充量的信息.

Please do not add money through your E-Account, 你只能通过补充膳食计划来增加你的膳食计划余额.


类型 成本
Undergraduate 应用程序 Fee $60
学士学位阶段后的 & Non-Matriculated 应用程序 Fee $60
健康费用, Undergraduate Enrollment of 12 Credits or More (per quarter) $166
健康费用, Undergraduate Enrollment of Less Than 12 Credits (per quarter) $166
技术费, Undergraduate Enrollment of 12 Credits or More (per quarter) $201
技术费,本科入学12学分以下(每季度) $201
入学考试费 (one-time only, non-refundable) $175
本科生健康保险(2022-23),国际学生(强制性,年费) TBD
*Description of fees may be found towards the bottom of this page*  
New Student 取向 Fee $275
Transfer Student 取向 Fee $185
First Year Guest Attending (per individual) $65
Transfer Guest Attending (per individual) $45
Enrollment Confirmation Deposit** $500
Transfer Student Enrollment Confirmation Deposit $200
Submissions After 国外的教育 Deadline $125
Submissions After 国外的教育 Program Begins $250
Transfer Articulation Fee $1000
Transcript (additional vendor service fees apply) $7.50
Transcript Rush Processing (per transcript) $25
Diploma Replacement (4-6 weeks delivery) $25
Diploma Replacement Rush Delivery, U.S. Address (including to SU) $100
Diploma Replacement Rush Delivery, International Address
Identification Card (Campus Card) Replacement $20
Late Registration Fee (per course for registration after the add/drop period) $50
Validation of Field Experience (per credit hour) $90
Credit by Examination (per credit hour) $95
Civil Engineering (NCEES Exam) $65
Electrical Engineering (NCEES Exam) $65
Mechanical Engineering (NCEES Exam) $65

**入学确认金是秋季学期新生入学的确认书. It will be applied to the tuition charges for fall. 在提交确认保证金后决定不参加SU的学生将有资格获得200美元的退款,直到8月1日.


强制注册 费用


强制性健康费为有益于所有国外博彩app学生的几种健康和健康资源提供资金, including access to TimelyCare. 除了, the wellness fee provides access to the university fitness center, online and in-person health and wellness programs, 并让国外博彩app有机会为在校学生和在线学生开发新的资源和服务.


强制性科技费只占资讯科技服务(ITS)拨款的一小部分。. 在某种程度上,技术费用于帮助支付核心学生系统的费用.g., Canvas, mySeattleU, 微软办公室), 公共安全系统, 互联网服务, 网络, 还有更多.




一次性强制性的入学指导费使学生能够全面参与,支持他们过渡到红鹰社区. 这些费用抵消了会议和活动的费用,比如聘请专家演讲者和活动主持人, 社区餐, 还有学生纪念品.




Some courses have additional associated fees. 在mySeattleU进行课程搜索时,这些课程在课程部分详细信息中列出.

出勤费用 & 财务需要

To prepare a student's financial aid award, 学生金融服务办公室根据学生的FAFSA提供的信息减去预期家庭贡献(EFC), from the estimated cost of attendance, often referred to as the student budget, to determine financial need.


预算类别 本科生
Living With 父母 or Relatives
学费 $55,620 $55,620
书 & 供应 $792 $792
技术费 $603 $603
健康费用 $498 $498
活动费用 - -
住房 $9,756 $2,871
食物 $5,946 $2,871
贷款费用 $65 $65
个人支出 $1,848 $1,848
运输 $1,776 $1,776
总预算 $76,904 $66,944


After financial need has been determined, Student Financial Services prepares a financial aid award, 在学生的需要和可用资金的限制下,包括学生有资格获得的尽可能多的援助. Depending on a student's eligibility, a financial aid award will include one, some or all of the following types of aid: scholarships and/or grants, work opportunities and loans.


出勤费用 Definitions

学杂费: Includes tuition and fees normally assessed for a student. Based on your anticipated enrollment.

住房: Average of on campus regardless of room type. Actual costs may differ based on your room assignment.

食物: 费用基于住宿膳食计划,每周7天,每天3餐. Actual costs may differ based on your selected meal plan.

书籍及用品: 根据华盛顿金融援助协会建议的学生调查金额估算费用, 包括书籍, 供应, and personal computer needs.

交通: 根据华盛顿金融援助协会建议的学生调查金额估算费用, which may include transportation between campus, 住宅, 和工作.

个人费用: 根据学生调查得出的华盛顿金融援助协会推荐的费用估算,包括学生可能遇到的各种杂项费用.

Estimate Your 金融援助 Options

净价计算器旨在帮助您估计国外博彩app的经济援助选择. 请务必完成整个过程,以确保最好的结果.

请注意,该工具仅为国内学生提供可能的帮助. 国际学生应联系招生办公室了解有关基于成绩的援助选择的信息. 



我们是来帮忙的. For information about costs at 国外博彩app contact:

Student Financial Services
